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Monday, February 24, 2014

Tamil Ayurveda Maruthuvam Home Remedies

Tamil Home Remedies
This is the info of Tamil Ayurveda maruthuvam simple home remedies. 
Tamil Ayurveda Maruthuvam or Ayurvedic Medicines are one of the oldest medical methods in world. Originated in India nearly 3000 years ago, Ayurveda is now widely spread all over the world. Ayurvedic medicines can be effective with many types of diseases.

Ayurvedic Home remedies for Cold and Cough 
 Honey and lemon juice with warm water is one of the best medicine for curing cold and cough. Boil milk with a piece of crushed ginger in it, this can give a instant relief for sore throat and throat infection. Hot milk with half tsp of Turmeric podi can also give much relief in cold and cough. To treat sore throat and throat irritation Sitopladi Churna(powder) with honey thrice a day will be a perfect remedy.
Hot Herbal tea which consist of Tulsi Leaves, niri, Ginger, Lemon Grass and Cinnamon is extremely helpful in chronic cold and cough. Ayurveda suggests Yashtimadhu Churna for curing cold and cough.

Ayurvedic Home remedies for Hair fall Control
Ayurveda believes that excess of heat in body can be the root cause of hair fall. Along with it, stress, unhealthy diet, anaemia, dandruff are the some of the other causes of hair loss. Bhringaraj, which is called the King of herbs is extremely useful for hair growth. Make a fine paste of the leaves and apply it on the scalp for 20 minutes. Bhringaraj Powder and oil is also available in market. Methi seeds (vendhayam in tamil , Fenugreek) work great on hair fall treatment. Soak methi seeds overnight and make a paste in warm water. Apply this paste on scalp for 20 minutes.
Amla, is the best known medicine for healthy hair growth as it contains vitamin C.  Amla podi mixed with warm water should be used on scalp. It can be proved as best treatment. Aloe vera juice is also very useful in all types of hair problems. Blood Circulation in scalp leads to healthy hair growth. Gentle oil massage with Almond oil and Brahmi oil is more effective for hair fall problem.

Ayurvedic home Remedies for Weight Loss 
Regular exercise and some ayurvedic remedies can help to reduce some extra pounds easily. Cabbage works magically in weight management. So daily consume a bowl of cabbage. Mix 1 spoon honey in light warm water. Add 1 spoon of black pepper podi and 4 spoons of lemon juice in it. Daily consumption of this mixture can show a remarkable change in weight. Some ayurvedic powders life Guduchi, Triphala, Devadaru are useful in weight control if consumed with honey.

Ayurvedic home Remedies for Thyroid Problems

Thyroid conditions directly affect on hormonal production. Ayurveda prefers consumption of coconut oil in some sorts of thyroid conditions. Guggul stimulates thyroid so better to include in regular diet. Herbs like Shilajita and Jatamansi are most suggested herbs for thyroid. Lots of fruits and vegetables inclusion in diet can be beneficial in thyroid conditions.

Tamil Ayurvedic medicine for Piles Constipation
Constipation or dry stool is a common problem due to lack of water intake and low in fibre food. 

Some fruits like Guava, Papaya and Grapes are proven to be effective in constipation. Ginger tea is one of the best remedies for this condition. Ayurvedic medicines like Triphala, Gandhak Vati, Virechani are advised to be taken at bed time to get relief from constipation. Churnas(powders) like Abhayarishta and Panchasakar are consumed with warm water as a treatment of constipation. Isabgol is very widely used ayurvedic herb used for this disease. These are all simple ayurvedic home remedies which can give instant relief in many conditions.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies Migraine Headache

Ayurvedic home remedies migraine Headache 
This is the information of ayurvedic home remedies migraine headache completely natural. Migraine or very commonly known as headache can be caused by various factors like cold or very hot weather, emotional anxiety, physical stress, irregular meals and extreme use of nicotine, fever, watching TV or reading in dull light and many more.

Coconut oil for Migraine headaches Ayurvedic Remedy
Try some beneficial remedies to get rid of the striking headache- First and the highly suggested remedy is hot oil massage. Ayurveda suggests coconut oil, Jasmine oil, sandalwood oil for the relaxing effect. Gentle massage with clove oil, eucalyptus oil and cardamom oil also can be beneficial in headache.

Consume 1tsp. of castor oil along with warm water before going to bed is also recommended. Migraine can be observed on its peak during hot season or sunny afternoon. Those who are working directly under the sun or near the fire are seen to be suffering from migraine problem very often. Over spicy food can lead to extreme acidity followed by hammering headache.

Herbs for Migraines Headaches Ayurvedic Remedy
The intake of herbs which have cooling properties can be useful in these conditions. Black raisins and Shatavari are highly suggested herbs. 3 tsp of pure ghee mixed with warm milk also shows a significant effect in this type of headache.

Ginger Remedies for Migraine Headaches
Ginger is highly advantageous in migraine. Mash a little piece of ginger and boil it in water. Filter and drink this warm water. It can give instant relief in headache. Ginger tea for Migraine Headaches is the most suggested home remedy.

Tender Coconut water for Headaches
Tender coconut oil or butter-milk will be beneficial as they minimize the body heat and alleviate headache. For a quick relief from headache, inhale the steam of vinegar mixed water.

Green tea for Migraine Headaches

Warm green tea along with few drops of fresh lemon juice can refresh your body and even reduces the intensity of the head pain. Green tea is the Quick mind refresher. Cinnamon tea and oil is effective in headache remedy.  

Clove oil  for headaches Ayurvedic home Remedy
Add ½ teaspoon of clove powder in it for additional aid. Apply this paste on the aching area for 30 minutes. With the least availability of the medical remedies, holding an ice pack on forehead can lead to instant reduction in pain. You can also take masala tea or clove tea for headaches problem.

Cabbage leaf for Migraines Ayurvedic home Remedy
Another suggested home remedy for migraine is Cabbage paste. Crush the cabbage and apply the paste on forehead for soothing effect. Sip the mixture of spinach and carrot extract in an equal quantity and obtain much relief in headache. Along with the outer therapies and medications it is necessary for the patient to relax himself in quiet and dark place. Avoid eating anything. It is essential to get some sleep which can calm down mind and body.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure Ayurvedic Control

Home Remedies for Blood Pressure Ayurvedic Control 
It is said that the most effective medicines are available in our kitchen. Here are the fast working natural  Home-remedies for controlling Blood –Pressure. Green leaves and Carrot are supposed to be the effective vegetables in controlling High Blood pressure. Consuming the juice of these vegetables twice a day can certainly help in curing high blood pressure.

Amla for High Blood Pressure : Amla or Indian Gooseberry is the well known home remedy for lowering blood pressure. The consumption of the mixture of Amla and Honey in a same quantity, every morning before breakfast can effectively help to reduce blood pressure.

Potatoes for High Blood Pressure : The magnesium and Potassium present in potato can be helpful in fighting against high blood pressure. So it is better to add a boiled potato in your daily diet.

Grapes for Blood Pressure : Another great remedy for high blood pressure is grape fruit which has plenty of vitamin content helping in controlling blood pressure. It is proved that Garlic is a best remedy for blood pressure. So daily consume at least two cloves of garlic with your regular food.

Watermelon Seeds for High Blood pressure: A substance namely cucurbocitrin is available in watermelon seeds, which is very much effective in blood pressure control. Grind up dry and roasted watermelon seeds. Mix this powder with water and boil it for nearly 10 to 15 minutes. Cool, store and consume this liquid daily morning and evening.

Ginger and Honey for High Blood pressure: To treat high blood pressure mix 5ml of honey, 5ml of ginger Extract juice and 5 pinches cumin podi and consume it twice a day. Drink a cup of warm water with half lime juice daily. Lime help in expanding the blood vessels flexible and wide.

Banana for High Blood pressure: High blood pressure patients are advised to consume a banana daily as banana is a rich source of potassium. High blood pressure patients are warned to keep their body hydrate all the time.

Coconut water for high Blood pressure: Consumption of 8to 10 glasses of water and if possible daily intake of coconut water will be beneficial.

Cayenne Pepper for High blood pressure: For smooth blood flow and prevention of platelets from clogging Cayenne Pepper is highly recommended. But as it is very spicy , less usage is advised.

Onion for High Blood pressure: Quercetin is a antioxidant flavonol present in onions which is helpful in controlling blood pressure. It is better to eat a small size raw onion daily or mix half spoon onion juice with honey and eat it two times a day for 15 days. Taking two tsp of honey with warm water first thing in the morning on before food can prove effective in high blood pressure as honey reduces pressure from the heart.

Fenugreek for high Blood pressure:  Boil Fenugreek seeds and make a fine paste of it. Daily consume this paste 1 tsp before food for three months. Fenugreek seeds contain high level of potassium and dietary fibres which can reduce the blood pressure level. Minor changes and additions in your day to day diet can keep you free from the fear of High blood Pressure