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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Jathikai medicinal value in Tamil maruthuvam home remedy

This is Jathikai medicinal value in Tamil maruthuvam home remedy treatments. 
Jathikai english name: Nutmeg
jathikai botanical name: Myristica dactyloides
Very few know about the amazing jathikai benefits.  Cultivation of this tree takes about more than five years to yield its fruit but nutmeg, bark and wood is available in ayurvedic shops to cure many diseases. Jathikai is taken as a spicy ingredient in our Tamil recipes. Just add some grated nutmeg in your diet or use nutmeg oil for your skin treatment and enjoy the qualities of this advantageous spice. Here are some payangal to knowledge you on this topic.  

Jathikai for sleep:  Ayurveda has proved that nutmeg is beneficial for sleep. Those who are suffering from the trouble of sleeplessness can try the remedy of adding a pinch of nutmeg powder in warm milk and consume it before going to bed.

Jathikai medicinal value:  Add a pinch of nutmeg powder in your food items and enjoy the rich aroma and taste of your food recipe. The consumption of nutmeg can also build the immunity system by providing sufficient amount of minerals to the body. The other beneficial nutrients like potassium, calcium, iron and manganese are also found in an adequate quantity in nutmeg. Commonly prepared jathikai recipes are pickle, soup, kashayam, rasam etc.

Jathikai for skin:  Make a powder of nutmeg and add with water or honey and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your skin to make it look bright and clean. The regular use of nutmeg pack can reduce the scars or marks on the skin.

Jathikai for infants digestion:  Ayurveda always suggests consumption of nutmeg for digestion problems. Drop of nutmeg is given to infants to improve digestion. grated nutmeg in soup or curry is given to baby to reduce indigestion. For adults It can reduce the acidity problem also.

Jathikai for hair: Jathikai oil help to reduce the dandruff and improve the hair growth.

jathikai for face: jathikai face pack is prepared by adding fresh curd and nutmeg powder to reduce all types skin infection including pimples and acne.

Tooth and gum problem:  Clove is always used to maintain oral health but very few people know about the antibacterial properties of nutmeg which can prove beneficial for teeth and gum health. The oil extracted from nutmeg contains Eugenol which helps to reduce the toothache or other gum problems. If nutmeg extracts are used along with cinnamon, then it is very advantageous antiseptic and antimicrobial toothpaste helpful to maintain a good oral health.

It is proved that nutmeg helps to keep our brain sharp and active. The spice is rich in myristicin, which is an organic compound. Myristicin protects our brain from the degenerative diseases.

Joint pain mootu vali marunthu : Those who are suffering from joint pain or muscles weakness can take advantage of using essential oil of nutmeg. Apply the oil on painful area and massage gently. This can reduce the pain instantly.

Nutmeg regulates blood circulation and cures kidney infections too. Ayurveda believes that nutmeg can also provide a natural strength to liver. When a moderate use of nutmeg gives lots of benefits, over use can cause excess sweating, and some other health problems too. So better to use this spice carefully!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sothu kathalai uses in Tamil home remedy / Aloe vera medicines

This is Sothu kathalai uses in Tamil home remedy ayurvedic medicine cure. This plant can be easily grown in any place. Aloe Vera is an amazing medicinal plant which is used in treating various health conditions. The benefits are given below.
Sothu kathalai english name: aloe vera

South kathalai payangal

1. The main part used for the preparation of sothu kathalai medicine is pulp content. Aloe vera gel can heal minor cuts, wounds and burns easily.
2. Those who are suffering from sun burns, allergies, rashes can take treatment by fresh aloe vera gel applying on the affected area.
3. It can give cooling effect on insect bites and related itching and inflammation. You can apply sothu kathalai for face pimples problems too.
4. sothu kathalai juice works best as a skin moisturizer. During winter season, you can nourish your skin with the help of fresh aloe vera gel. You can directly rub freshly cut aloe vera plant on your face and skin to get smooth skin and wash your face with lukewarm water after 30 minutes
5. Aloe vera juice as effective hair tonic. Gently rub aloe vera juice on scalp and wash after an hour. This remedy can stop hair fall effectively and it also supports new hair growth.
6. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on face to remove the signs of aging from your skin and look younger.
7. Rub aloe vera gel on your scalp to reduce the problem of dandruff. You can mix aloe vera juice in coconut milk and rub on scalp to get rid of dandruff and other scalp problems.
8. If you want to add extra bounce and shine to your hair then apply aloe vera juice on hair as hair conditioner.
9. Consume aloe vera juice to get rid of indigestion and other stomach related problems.
10. Those who always face the problem of constipation can get relief by consuming aloe vera juice.
11. Diabetes patients are advised to consume aloe vera juice to control blood sugar level in body.
12. To get strong and sparkling teeth, use toothpaste which contains aloe vera extracts.
13. Stomach ulcer, congestion and prostate and even urinary tract infection can be cured with the help of aloe vera extracts.
14. If you want to reduce the bad cholesterol level from blood then regularly consume aloe vera juice.
15. Any type of eye problem or eye inflammation can be cured with the help of fresh aloe vera juice.
16. It is a natural detoxifier which can reduce harmful toxins from body and boosts immunity system of body.

17. Asthma patients are advised to inhale steam of aloe vera juice mixed in hot water to get rid of the condition.