Tamil Home Remedies
This is the info of Tamil
Ayurveda maruthuvam simple home remedies.
Tamil Ayurveda Maruthuvam or
Ayurvedic Medicines are one of the oldest medical methods in world. Originated
in India nearly 3000 years ago, Ayurveda is now widely spread all over the
world. Ayurvedic medicines can be effective with many types of diseases.
Home remedies for Cold and Cough
Honey and lemon juice with warm water is one
of the best medicine for curing cold and cough. Boil milk with a piece of
crushed ginger in it, this can give a instant relief for sore throat and throat
infection. Hot milk with half tsp of Turmeric podi can also give much
relief in cold and cough. To treat sore throat and throat irritation Sitopladi
Churna(powder) with honey thrice a day will be a perfect remedy.
Herbal tea which consist of Tulsi Leaves, niri, Ginger, Lemon Grass and Cinnamon
is extremely helpful in chronic cold and cough. Ayurveda suggests Yashtimadhu
Churna for curing cold and cough.
Home remedies for Hair fall Control
believes that excess of heat in body can be the root cause of hair fall. Along
with it, stress, unhealthy diet, anaemia, dandruff are the some of the other causes
of hair loss. Bhringaraj, which is called the King of herbs is extremely useful
for hair growth. Make a fine paste of the leaves and apply it on the scalp for
20 minutes. Bhringaraj Powder and oil is also available in market. Methi seeds
(vendhayam in tamil , Fenugreek) work great on hair fall treatment. Soak methi
seeds overnight and make a paste in warm water. Apply this paste on scalp for
20 minutes.
Amla, is
the best known medicine for healthy hair growth as it contains vitamin C. Amla podi mixed with warm water should be used
on scalp. It can be proved as best treatment. Aloe vera juice is also very
useful in all types of hair problems. Blood Circulation in scalp leads to
healthy hair growth. Gentle oil massage with Almond oil and Brahmi oil is more
effective for hair fall problem.
home Remedies for Weight Loss
exercise and some ayurvedic remedies can help to reduce some extra pounds
easily. Cabbage works magically in weight management. So daily consume a bowl
of cabbage. Mix 1 spoon honey in light warm water. Add 1 spoon of black pepper
podi and 4 spoons of lemon juice in it. Daily consumption of this mixture can
show a remarkable change in weight. Some ayurvedic powders life Guduchi,
Triphala, Devadaru are useful in weight control if consumed with honey.
home Remedies for Thyroid Problems
conditions directly affect on hormonal production. Ayurveda prefers consumption
of coconut oil in some sorts of thyroid conditions. Guggul stimulates thyroid
so better to include in regular diet. Herbs like Shilajita and Jatamansi are
most suggested herbs for thyroid. Lots of fruits and vegetables inclusion in
diet can be beneficial in thyroid conditions.
Tamil Ayurvedic
medicine for Piles Constipation
or dry stool is a common problem due to lack of water intake and low in fibre
fruits like Guava, Papaya and Grapes are proven to be effective in constipation.
Ginger tea is one of the best remedies for this condition. Ayurvedic medicines like Triphala, Gandhak Vati, Virechani are advised to be taken at bed time to
get relief from constipation. Churnas(powders) like Abhayarishta and
Panchasakar are consumed with warm water as a treatment of constipation. Isabgol
is very widely used ayurvedic herb used for this disease. These are all simple
ayurvedic home remedies which can give instant relief in many conditions.