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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ayurvedic Treatment Tamil Nadu

Ayurvedic Treatment Tamil Nadu
This is the information about ayurvedic treatment tamil nadu. ayurveda tamil language treatment is very popular all around the world even the patients from foreign countires like UK, USA, Malaysia, Singapore are getting cure from this tamil ayurveda maruthuvam. Foreign students are taking the course to learn  Ayurvedic Treatment Tamil Nadu.

Tamil ayurvedic plants
The course include tamil ayurvedic plants names, diseases, diagnosis and treatment.  The medicine preparation is also very interesting by using the different combination of herbs which are available in the nature. You can get the details of Tamil names ayurvedic herbs in ayurvedic websites which are available in online. E books for tamil ayurvedic books are also available online.

Tamil Ayurvedic Medicines Tips Disease Prevention
Ayurvedic treatment is based not only on physical medication but it also focuses on mental strength and regular exercise. Generally Ayurvedic treatment has two different streams, one is prevention of diseases and another is curing or healing of the diseases.
Preventive measures or the prevention of the disease encourages many types of good habits which are useful in maintaining and leading healthy life. The basic preventive techniques include physical cleanliness like washing hands, brushing teeth twice a day, taking regular bath and the most important factor is to consume balanced diet. Ayurveda suggests some exercises to keep the mind and body fit and energetic. Yoga is also the best remedy for the prevention of many types of physical and mental problems. Regular workout keeps the diseases at the bay.

The another part of ayurvedic treatment is curative treatment that is curing or healing the diseases with some certain kind of medication. In ayurveda this curative system can be of three major types:
1.   Panchakarma or internal purification
2.   External medication and
3.   Surgical medication.

Ayurvedic Treatment Tamil Nadu - Internal purification or Panchakarma
It is very necessary to improve the metabolism system of the body to treat many of the diseases. Tamilnadu ayurvedic medicine mainly focuses upon 5 different kinds of cleansings therapies which can be useful in boosting the metabolism. Tamil ayurvedic tips or cleansing therapies not only boost the metabolism but also throw away harmful toxins from the body.  These therapies are called Panchakarma or internal purification therapies. Following are the five ways of Panchakarma:
1.   Vamana : This therapy treats the ‘Kapha Dosha’ in the body. This therapy is used to treat the respiratory problems like Asthama, allergies, nasal blockage. It even cures some kinds of skin disorders and even obesity. The hyperacidity is also controlled with the help of Vamana therapy.
2.   Virechana: The virechana therapy specially treats ‘Pitta Dosha’ in body. This therapy is used in the treatment of the diseases like asthama, diabetes, constipation and even gynaecological problems.
3.   Basti: The Basti treatment is a type of Enema given to the patient to clean the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha from the body. This treatment is specially used to cure digestive problems and constipation. For the treatment of obesity and infertility also Basti treatment is beneficial.
4.   Nasya: In Nasya treatment also ‘Kapha Dosha’ is thrown away by inserting some special types of medicated oils in nose. Many types of respiratory problems like congestion of nose, sinus and the other problems like insomnia, migraine. Ayurveda advices Nasya treatment for the patients who are suffering from memory problems also.
5.   Rakta Mokshana: As the name suggests this therapy is based upon the purification of blood. This therapy is used only in some special cases and done only by the expert ayurveda practitioners.

Ayurvedic Treatment Tamil Nadu - External medication
Ayurvedic treatment is specially based upon the usage of natural substances. The ayurvedic medicines contain herbs and special types of plants called tamil ayurvedic herbs. The extracts and powders made of these medicinal plants and herbs are used as external medicines in Ayurvedic external medication with ayurvedic diet tamil food chart method. Tamil ayurvedic beauty tips and massage are still in practice. Though Ayurvedic treatment is little slow, the results are long lasting.
Surgical medication

Ayurveda is the first medicinal theory which started performing operations to heal many injuries like bone fractures. Plastic surgery was also practiced under ayurvedic treatment initially. 

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