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Monday, October 5, 2015

Kai vaithiyam inTamil medicine home remedy

This is Kai vaithiyam inTamil medicine home remedy treatment to cure some of the common diseases like cold, cough, fever, throat infection, stomach pain etc.
  1. Kaivaithiyam for weight loss – Kollu horse gram juice ( take a cup of juice in empty stomach for three months)  is the best medicine for weight loss
  2. kai vaithiyam for cough – Applying eucalyptus oil on the chest and taking the steam ( put few drops of oil in boiling water and inhale the steam alternatively in nose and mouth) This will give relief for chest congestion too.
  3. kai vaithiyam for babies cold : Take a piece of Camphor add inboiling coconut oil, let it to cool, filter it and apply on the chest and throat of the babay.
  4. kaivaithiyam for cold : Take ten drops of tulsi leaves juice, five drops of ginger juice and add honey to tast. Take three times a day.
  5. kai vaithiyam for throat infection: Continuously chewing  ( throat should be wet with this juice always) tulsi leaves and karpooravalli leaves can reduce the pain and infection.
  6. kai vaithiyam for stomach pain : Taking un ripped pomegranate juice or flower extract in empty stomach  can cure stomach pain.
  7. kai vaithiyam after delivary: Taking variety of keerai gives strength and your body and apply kasthuri manjal to avoid stretch marks.
  8. amma kai vaithiyam for hair: Apply fenugreek and curd past onyour hair to get soft and shiny hair.
  9. kai vaithiyam for constipation: Eat a cup of papaya and one apply in the evening. Eat fibre rich food.
  10. kai vaithiyam for dandruff-  Apply neem oil on the scalps weekly twice to get rid of dandruff problem.
  11. kai vaithiyam for fever (dengu fever)  – Papaya leaf juice 5 ml two times daily and malai vembu  juice can increase platelet count.
  12. kai vaithiyam for headache – Take the paste of cabbage and apply o n your head. Apply eucalyptus oil on the paining area of your head.
  13. kulanthai kaivaithiyam – Giving vasambu for baby is advised in tamil medicine.
  14. kai vaithiyam for piles – Take whole grains like green gram. They are rich in fibre content. Eat spinach, fruits and vegetables like carrot.
  15. kai vaithiyam for sinus : Vapour therapy is the best method for this method you can use nochi leave or eucalyptus leaves. 

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