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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tamil home remedies ayurvedic medicines and treatment

This is Tamil home remedies ayurvedic medicines treatment. Here are some simple kai vaithiyam for some common diseases. 

 Home remedy for cold in Tamil medicine: Turmeric powder mixed with warm water is one of the oldest remedy for controlling cough and cold. Take a steam with hot water mixed with onion juice, it can give you relief from congested nose and chest. Garlic works best on common cold, crush and boil some garlic cloves in water and mix a tsp of honey in it. Sip the warm mixture many times a day

Tamil home remedies for dry cough: Mix honey in warm water and consume 3-4 times a day to get rid of dry cough. Gargle thrice a day with warm salt water. Add eucalyptus oil in hot water and take steam many times a day to get lot of relief in dry cough. Add black pepper powder in honey and consume 3-4 times in a day to get rid of dry cough

Home remedies for asthma in Tamil medicine: Add crushed ginger in water and boil it properly. Sip this warm water many times a day to control asthma. Heat the mustard oil and give warm oil massage on your throat and chest, it can be a very good remedy for asthma patients. Regular consumption of dry figs can prove beneficial for controlling asthma

Home remedies for back pain in Tamil medicine: Anti inflammatory qualities of ginger can prove useful for back pain. Cut the fresh ginger and add in water. Boil this water for 15 minutes and consume the warm water to get relief from back pain. Another useful remedy is tulsi leaves. Boil tulsi leaves in water and boil until the water is reduced in quantity. Cool down the water and add pinch of salt in it. Consume this water twice or thrice a day to reduce pain. Gently massage with warm herbal oil

Tamil medicine for high blood pressure: Reduce the salt consumption from your food to control blood pressure. Daily morning and night consume fresh coconut water to keep the blood pressure under control effectively

Dandruff home remedy in Tamil: Apply fresh aloe Vera juice on your scalp to fight against the problem of dandruff. Gently massage your scalp with warm coconut oil to remove dandruff effectively.

Tamil medicine for dry skin: Regularly apply olive oil on your face and other body parts make your skin soft and gentle. Apply honey on your body and wash it off after 15 minutes with warm water to get moisture on your dry skin

Home remedies for headache in tamil: Gentle oil massage on the temples of the forehead can give you relief from throbbing headache. Drink hot herbal tea to get a quick relief from headache. Give hot or cold compress on your forehead to get quick relief

Tamil home remedies for heartburn:Mix baking soda in cool water and consume it twice a day for treating heart burn immediately. Consuming fresh aloe Vera juice can also be useful for the treatment of heartburn effectively

Tamil home remedies for constipation: Mix one tsp olive oil and one tsp of lemon juice in warm water consume this mixture daily before going to bed to get rid of constipation. Daily consumption of aloe Vera juice can be helpful to treat constipation.

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